287 lines
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287 lines
11 KiB
// Check the wiki for a full description of the configuration:
// https://github.com/YaLTeR/niri/wiki/Configuration:-Overview
spawn-at-startup "@dbus_update_activation_env_cmd@" "--systemd" "--all"
spawn-at-startup "@systemctl_cmd@" "--user" "start" "niri-session.target"
input {
keyboard {
xkb {
layout "us"
options "rupeesign:4"
variant "altgr-intl"
touchpad {
accel-profile "adaptive"
tap-button-map "left-right-middle"
click-method "clickfinger"
scroll-method "two-finger"
mouse {
accel-profile "adaptive"
output "eDP-1" {
mode "1920x1080"
scale 1
transform "normal"
position x=0 y=0
variable-refresh-rate on-demand=true
layout {
gaps 4
center-focused-column "never"
preset-column-widths {
proportion 0.5
proportion 0.7
proportion 1.0
preset-window-heights {
proportion 0.5
proportion 0.7
proportion 1.0
default-column-width {}
focus-ring {
width 1
active-color "#bd93f9"
inactive-color "#44475a"
// active-gradient from="#80c8ff" to="#bbddff" angle=45
// inactive-gradient from="#505050" to="#808080" angle=45 relative-to="workspace-view"
border {
width 1
active-color "#bd93f9"
inactive-color "#44475a"
// active-gradient from="#ffbb66" to="#ffc880" angle=45 relative-to="workspace-view"
// inactive-gradient from="#505050" to="#808080" angle=45 relative-to="workspace-view"
screenshot-path "@screenshot_path@/Screenshot from %Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S.png"
binds {
Mod+Shift+Slash { show-hotkey-overlay; }
Mod+Shift+Q repeat=false { close-window; }
Mod+Escape repeat=false { spawn "@loginctl_cmd@" "lock-session"; }
Mod+Shift+W repeat=false { spawn "@wpaperctl_cmd@" "next"; }
Mod+Return repeat=false { spawn "@kitty_cmd@" "@tmux_cmd@" "new"; }
Mod+Shift+Return repeat=false { spawn "@kitty_cmd@"; }
Mod+D repeat=false { spawn "@rofi_cmd@" "-show" "drun"; }
Mod+E repeat=false { spawn "@kitty_cmd@" "--class=yazi" "@yazi_cmd@"; }
Mod+I repeat=false { spawn "@firefox_cmd@"; }
Mod+Shift+I repeat=false { spawn "@librewolf_cmd@"; }
XF86AudioRaiseVolume allow-when-locked=true { spawn "@wpctl_cmd@" "set-volume" "-l" "1" "@DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@" "5%+"; }
XF86AudioLowerVolume allow-when-locked=true { spawn "@wpctl_cmd@" "set-volume" "@DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@" "5%-"; }
XF86AudioMute allow-when-locked=true { spawn "@wpctl_cmd@" "set-mute" "@DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@" "toggle"; }
XF86AudioMicMute allow-when-locked=true { spawn "@wpctl_cmd@" "set-mute" "@DEFAULT_AUDIO_SOURCE@" "toggle"; }
Mod+Left { focus-column-left; }
Mod+Down { focus-window-down; }
Mod+Up { focus-window-up; }
Mod+Right { focus-column-right; }
Mod+H { focus-column-left; }
Mod+J { focus-window-down; }
Mod+K { focus-window-up; }
Mod+L { focus-column-right; }
Mod+Ctrl+Left { move-column-left; }
Mod+Ctrl+Down { move-window-down; }
Mod+Ctrl+Up { move-window-up; }
Mod+Ctrl+Right { move-column-right; }
Mod+Ctrl+H { move-column-left; }
Mod+Ctrl+J { move-window-down; }
Mod+Ctrl+K { move-window-up; }
Mod+Ctrl+L { move-column-right; }
// Alternative commands that move across workspaces when reaching
// the first or last window in a column.
// Mod+J { focus-window-or-workspace-down; }
// Mod+K { focus-window-or-workspace-up; }
// Mod+Ctrl+J { move-window-down-or-to-workspace-down; }
// Mod+Ctrl+K { move-window-up-or-to-workspace-up; }
Mod+Home { focus-column-first; }
Mod+End { focus-column-last; }
Mod+Ctrl+Home { move-column-to-first; }
Mod+Ctrl+End { move-column-to-last; }
Mod+Shift+Left { focus-monitor-left; }
Mod+Shift+Down { focus-monitor-down; }
Mod+Shift+Up { focus-monitor-up; }
Mod+Shift+Right { focus-monitor-right; }
Mod+Shift+H { focus-monitor-left; }
Mod+Shift+J { focus-monitor-down; }
Mod+Shift+K { focus-monitor-up; }
Mod+Shift+L { focus-monitor-right; }
Mod+Shift+Ctrl+Left { move-column-to-monitor-left; }
Mod+Shift+Ctrl+Down { move-column-to-monitor-down; }
Mod+Shift+Ctrl+Up { move-column-to-monitor-up; }
Mod+Shift+Ctrl+Right { move-column-to-monitor-right; }
Mod+Shift+Ctrl+H { move-column-to-monitor-left; }
Mod+Shift+Ctrl+J { move-column-to-monitor-down; }
Mod+Shift+Ctrl+K { move-column-to-monitor-up; }
Mod+Shift+Ctrl+L { move-column-to-monitor-right; }
// Alternatively, there are commands to move just a single window:
// Mod+Shift+Ctrl+Left { move-window-to-monitor-left; }
// ...
// And you can also move a whole workspace to another monitor:
// Mod+Shift+Ctrl+Left { move-workspace-to-monitor-left; }
// ...
Mod+Page_Down { focus-workspace-down; }
Mod+Page_Up { focus-workspace-up; }
Mod+U { focus-workspace-down; }
// Mod+I { focus-workspace-up; }
Mod+Ctrl+Page_Down { move-column-to-workspace-down; }
Mod+Ctrl+Page_Up { move-column-to-workspace-up; }
Mod+Ctrl+U { move-column-to-workspace-down; }
Mod+Ctrl+I { move-column-to-workspace-up; }
// Alternatively, there are commands to move just a single window:
// Mod+Ctrl+Page_Down { move-window-to-workspace-down; }
// ...
Mod+Shift+Page_Down { move-workspace-down; }
Mod+Shift+Page_Up { move-workspace-up; }
Mod+Shift+U { move-workspace-down; }
// Mod+Shift+I { move-workspace-up; }
// You can bind mouse wheel scroll ticks using the following syntax.
// These binds will change direction based on the natural-scroll setting.
// To avoid scrolling through workspaces really fast, you can use
// the cooldown-ms property. The bind will be rate-limited to this value.
// You can set a cooldown on any bind, but it's most useful for the wheel.
Mod+WheelScrollDown cooldown-ms=150 { focus-workspace-down; }
Mod+WheelScrollUp cooldown-ms=150 { focus-workspace-up; }
Mod+Ctrl+WheelScrollDown cooldown-ms=150 { move-column-to-workspace-down; }
Mod+Ctrl+WheelScrollUp cooldown-ms=150 { move-column-to-workspace-up; }
Mod+WheelScrollRight { focus-column-right; }
Mod+WheelScrollLeft { focus-column-left; }
Mod+Ctrl+WheelScrollRight { move-column-right; }
Mod+Ctrl+WheelScrollLeft { move-column-left; }
// Usually scrolling up and down with Shift in applications results in
// horizontal scrolling; these binds replicate that.
Mod+Shift+WheelScrollDown { focus-column-right; }
Mod+Shift+WheelScrollUp { focus-column-left; }
Mod+Ctrl+Shift+WheelScrollDown { move-column-right; }
Mod+Ctrl+Shift+WheelScrollUp { move-column-left; }
// Similarly, you can bind touchpad scroll "ticks".
// Touchpad scrolling is continuous, so for these binds it is split into
// discrete intervals.
// These binds are also affected by touchpad's natural-scroll, so these
// example binds are "inverted", since we have natural-scroll enabled for
// touchpads by default.
// Mod+TouchpadScrollDown { spawn "@wpctl_cmd@" "set-volume" "@DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@" "0.02+"; }
// Mod+TouchpadScrollUp { spawn "@wpctl_cmd@" "set-volume" "@DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@" "0.02-"; }
// You can refer to workspaces by index. However, keep in mind that
// niri is a dynamic workspace system, so these commands are kind of
// "best effort". Trying to refer to a workspace index bigger than
// the current workspace count will instead refer to the bottommost
// (empty) workspace.
// For example, with 2 workspaces + 1 empty, indices 3, 4, 5 and so on
// will all refer to the 3rd workspace.
Mod+1 { focus-workspace 1; }
Mod+2 { focus-workspace 2; }
Mod+3 { focus-workspace 3; }
Mod+4 { focus-workspace 4; }
Mod+5 { focus-workspace 5; }
Mod+6 { focus-workspace 6; }
Mod+7 { focus-workspace 7; }
Mod+8 { focus-workspace 8; }
Mod+9 { focus-workspace 9; }
Mod+Ctrl+1 { move-column-to-workspace 1; }
Mod+Ctrl+2 { move-column-to-workspace 2; }
Mod+Ctrl+3 { move-column-to-workspace 3; }
Mod+Ctrl+4 { move-column-to-workspace 4; }
Mod+Ctrl+5 { move-column-to-workspace 5; }
Mod+Ctrl+6 { move-column-to-workspace 6; }
Mod+Ctrl+7 { move-column-to-workspace 7; }
Mod+Ctrl+8 { move-column-to-workspace 8; }
Mod+Ctrl+9 { move-column-to-workspace 9; }
// Alternatively, there are commands to move just a single window:
// Mod+Ctrl+1 { move-window-to-workspace 1; }
// Switches focus between the current and the previous workspace.
// Mod+Tab { focus-workspace-previous; }
Mod+Comma { consume-window-into-column; }
Mod+Period { expel-window-from-column; }
// There are also commands that consume or expel a single window to the side.
Mod+BracketLeft { consume-or-expel-window-left; }
Mod+BracketRight { consume-or-expel-window-right; }
Mod+R { switch-preset-column-width; }
Mod+Shift+R { switch-preset-window-height; }
Mod+Ctrl+R { reset-window-height; }
Mod+F { maximize-column; }
Mod+Shift+F { fullscreen-window; }
Mod+C { center-column; }
// Finer width adjustments.
// This command can also:
// * set width in pixels: "1000"
// * adjust width in pixels: "-5" or "+5"
// * set width as a percentage of screen width: "25%"
// * adjust width as a percentage of screen width: "-10%" or "+10%"
// Pixel sizes use logical, or scaled, pixels. I.e. on an output with scale 2.0,
// set-column-width "100" will make the column occupy 200 physical screen pixels.
Mod+Minus { set-column-width "-10%"; }
Mod+Equal { set-column-width "+10%"; }
// Finer height adjustments when in column with other windows.
Mod+Shift+Minus { set-window-height "-10%"; }
Mod+Shift+Equal { set-window-height "+10%"; }
// Actions to switch layouts.
// Note: if you uncomment these, make sure you do NOT have
// a matching layout switch hotkey configured in xkb options above.
// Having both at once on the same hotkey will break the switching,
// since it will switch twice upon pressing the hotkey (once by xkb, once by niri).
// Mod+Space { switch-layout "next"; }
// Mod+Shift+Space { switch-layout "prev"; }
Print { screenshot; }
Ctrl+Print { screenshot-screen; }
Alt+Print { screenshot-window; }
// The quit action will show a confirmation dialog to avoid accidental exits.
Mod+Shift+E { quit; }
// Powers off the monitors. To turn them back on, do any input like
// moving the mouse or pressing any other key.
Mod+Shift+P { power-off-monitors; }