diff --git a/packages/scripts/wallhaven.sh b/packages/scripts/wallhaven.sh index 2f57d08..70073ab 100755 --- a/packages/scripts/wallhaven.sh +++ b/packages/scripts/wallhaven.sh @@ -67,21 +67,21 @@ if [ -n "${RANGE}" ]; then RANGE="topRange=${RANGE}&" fi -notify-send -r 9897 -i information -t 2000 "Wallpapers" "Fetching a list of wallpapers..." +notify-send -u normal -a Wallpapers -i information -t 2000 "Wallpapers" "Fetching a list of wallpapers..." URL="${WALLHAVEN_BASE_URL}/search?${TAGS}${CATEGORIES}${PURITY}${SIZE}${RATIOS}${COLORS}${AI_FILTER}${SORTING}${RANGE}" CURL_CMD="${CURL_BASE_CMD} \"${URL}\"" RESULT="$(eval ${CURL_CMD})" NO_OF_IMAGES="$(printf "${RESULT}" | jq -r '.data | length')" RANDOM_ITEM="$(shuf -i 1-${NO_OF_IMAGES} -n 1 --random-source=/dev/urandom)" ID="$(printf "${RESULT}" | jq -r ".data[$((RANDOM_ITEM-1))].id")" -notify-send -r 9897 -i information -t 2000 "Wallpapers" "Got ${NO_OF_IMAGES} images. Using image $((RANDOM_ITEM-1)) with id ${ID}..." +notify-send -u normal -a Wallpapers -i information -t 2000 "Wallpapers" "Got ${NO_OF_IMAGES} images. Using image ${RANDOM_ITEM} with id ${ID}..." CURL_CMD="${CURL_BASE_CMD} \"${WALLHAVEN_BASE_URL}/w/${ID}\"" IMAGE_META=$(eval ${CURL_CMD}) IMAGE_URL="$(printf "${IMAGE_META}" | jq -r '.data.path')" IMAGE_ID="$(printf "${IMAGE_META}" | jq -r '.data.id')" FILENAME="wallhaven-${IMAGE_ID}" -notify-send -r 9897 -i information -t 2000 "Wallpapers" "Downloading image: ${IMAGE_URL}" +notify-send -u normal -a Wallpapers -i information -t 2000 "Wallpapers" "Downloading image: ${IMAGE_URL}" curl --silent -L --output "${DIR}/${FILENAME}.image" "${IMAGE_URL}" -notify-send -r 9897 -i information -t 2000 "Wallpapers" "Downloaded image: ${DIR}/${FILENAME}.image" +notify-send -u normal -a Wallpapers -i information -t 2000 "Wallpapers" "Downloaded image: ${DIR}/${FILENAME}.image" echo "${DIR}/${FILENAME}.image"