2023-03-25 22:10:09 +05:30
{pkgs, ...}: {
2023-03-22 23:27:24 +05:30
xdg.desktopEntries."mpv".name = "mpv Media Player";
xdg.desktopEntries."mpv".exec = "mpv --player-operation-mode=pseudo-gui -- %U";
xdg.desktopEntries."mpv".noDisplay = true;
xdg.desktopEntries."umpv".name = "umpv Media Player";
xdg.desktopEntries."umpv".exec = "umpv --player-operation-mode=pseudo-gui -- %U";
xdg.desktopEntries."umpv".noDisplay = true;
2023-03-15 22:11:59 +05:30
home.packages = with pkgs; [
programs.mpv = {
enable = true;
2023-03-25 22:10:09 +05:30
package = pkgs.mpv.override {youtubeSupport = true;};
2023-03-15 22:11:59 +05:30
config = {
hwdec = "auto-safe";
gpu-context = "wayland";
2023-03-25 22:10:09 +05:30
defaultProfiles = ["gpu-hq"];
scripts = with pkgs.mpvScripts; [mpris];
2023-03-15 22:11:59 +05:30
services = {
spotifyd = {
enable = true;
2023-03-25 22:10:09 +05:30
package = pkgs.spotifyd.override {
withKeyring = true;
withMpris = true;
2023-03-15 22:11:59 +05:30
settings = {
global = {
use_keyring = true;
use_mpris = true;
username_cmd = ''
${pkgs.libsecret}/bin/secret-tool search --all service spotifyd 2>&1 | grep 'username' | awk -F'= ' '{print $2}'
device_name = "Skipperd";
device_type = "computer";
backend = "pulseaudio";
no_audio_cache = true;
dbus_type = "session";